"Agrada-te do Senhor, e Ele satisfará os desejos do teu coração. Entrega o teu caminho ao Senhor, confia nele, e o mais Ele fará." Sl37: 4-5

sábado, 12 de janeiro de 2013

Post para as mamães

Oi gente, acho que eu não comentei aqui no blog, mas há duas semanas eu acompanhei uma amiga ao hospital porque ela estava com o filhinho de 7 meses vomitando e com diarreia. Ela tinha ido duas vezes ao hospital de Richmond, mas nada havia sido feito além de uma consulta simples. Até que decidimos levar o bebê pro Children's Hospital, onde ele passou a noite internado, tomou muuuuito soro e saiu de lá melhorzinho.
Bom, mas o que eu quero contar a vcs é que na ocasião eu e minha amiga não sabíamos o que era e nem estávamos convencidas das explicações dos médicos, pq tudo pra eles é virose, né??? mas hoje eu recebi um email da escola de minha filha que eu gostaria de compartilhar com vcs, já que pode ter alguma mãe aflita por ai.
Segue a mensagem:

Important Health Information from our Public Health Department
Currently throughout Vancouver Coastal we are seeing a lot of Flu (influenza) and Norovirus (Norwalk Virus). Both of which are quite virulent this year. The main difference between the flu and Norovirus is that the Norovirus's primary symptom is vomiting and diarrhea, whereas the flu involves respiratory symptoms like a cough and a high fever. Both illnesses cause a person to have chills, muscle aches and feel fatigued.

  • Get your flu shot (there is a good match this year & it is not too late to get it)
  • Be meticulous about washing your hands with soap and water
  • Do not share food
  • Keep your hands away from your face
If you should be come ill:
  • Stay home from work or school for two days after your symptoms stop.  
  • Drink small amounts of fluids such as water or re-hydration drinks frequently if having vomiting and      diarrhea.
  • Try to stay with your normal diet as much as possible. Eating your usual diet will help you to get enough nutrition and make you feel better faster. Try to avoid foods that are high in fat and sugar. Also avoid spicy foods, alcohol, and coffee for two days after all symptoms have disappeared.
  • The illness usually lasts between 12 to 60 hours.

For more detailed information about Flu or Norovirus (Norwalk Virus) visit the HealthLink BC website:

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